Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 13: Goals

hmm I have always loved setting goals, call me crazy. this year i have a bunch of random ones. some of them include:

-Go to Africa and volunteer.
-Work hard this summer to save lotsa dough.
-Get a better GPA than last last semester.
-talk to a new person everyday.
-Try hard not to judge others.
-Workout 6 days a week.
-Drink 8 cups of water a day.
-Listen to only uplifting music.
-Scriptures every night.
-No swearing. (unless of course it's completely necessary)
-Get at least 7 hours of sleep.
-Don't push people away.
-Be able to win Mark at an arm wrestle.
-Enjoy everyday.

Welp, there are the ones i can remember!

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