Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?

*Last Year

Ok so interesting fact: this picture was taken almost exactly one year from today. Mark got home a year ago from today and i took it the night before he got here. (that explains the "viginia is for lovers" shirt- he was coming home from there. crazy eh? I don't think i've changed all that much on the outside. My hair is about the same color, maybe a bit shorter and damaged now. I'm still the same size considering I wear some of the same clothes. But I have changed in other ways i guess. last year at this time i was living with my paretns, loving high school-never wanting it to end. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be out on my own with no curfew and no rules. I was confident in myself but not the same way i am now. I feel like i've grown up a lot in the past year. I've learned new things, had new experiences, met many new people. I live a completeley different life. I can't really say which one is better. they are both pretty wonderful i'm not gonna lie. This year I think i've learned to be more friendly, and what it's like to be genuinely nice to people. I am still just as crazy but sadly don't have as much spare time for crazy.somehow i still squeeze it in. ;) I still love to laugh and have a good time and personally i think that's the most important thing. I never want that to change.

*This year


Camilla said...

You are gorgeous. Seriously.

Shannon said...

Your will always be our same Maddy Rue, that is one of the reasons I love you soooo much:)