Wednesday, December 21, 2011

false impressions

on the outside. brave. outgoing. risk-taker. thrill seeker. tough.carefree.

on the inside. scared. safe. quiet. careful. worrier.cautious.

Ever wonder if sometimes people have a false sense of who you reallly are? Last night while out with friends someone said to me "Maddy, you're the craziest of us all. Why are you acting so worried? (he was referring to my reaction after some crazy driving stunt he was trying to pull)
Yes i may have over-reacted  by yelling STOP over & over again, but seriously??
I'm all about having fun. Heck, it's what I live for. But when it comes to SAFETY,(especially MY safety) that's another story. I HATE feeling like i don't have control in all situations. Especially when it comes to potential hazard. Needless to say I was just realllly ready to go home.

truth: I'm not nearly as crazy as i act sometimes. (maybe that's what all crazies say?) & even if people think I am BORING, that's a risk I'm more than willing to take.

p.s did I mention how I EXCITED I am for CHRISTMAS???!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Welp I am just sitting here in suspense waiting to take my LAST final. hallelujah! for some reason i am very ahead of schedule so i have some time to kill. (who does that?)

The past 3 weeks or so have been crazy hectics, but oh so enjoyable.

I will be heading back to b-town in approx. 7 hours and of course I am Stoked about that.

I have been in such a Christ-masy mood lately. My mom gave me some decor to deck out our apartment with & it looks so festive. I have taken it upon myself to make SURE everyone feels the christmas spirit. If the lights aren't plugged in & christmas music playing, something is seriously wrong.I just want to sing christmas carols, bake sugar cookies, shop, look at lights, & spend time with family and friends. I absolutely can't wait!

the time suz came to college

Lately we swim.. ALOT.

Late night zeppes run

It was Suz's birthday. she's growing up too fast.

Love my mom's old christmas sweaters

Going to a hipster concert. We wore flannel to be cool
Our cute christmas tree
We watched some dumb boys jump in the freezing dam.