Thursday, September 8, 2011

take a minute

Sometimes life can get pretty crazy. I mean, not a huge surprise. I get so caught up in "to-do lists" and school work, and workouts and worrying about all sorts of junk that when you look at the big picture, really doesn't matter. It's easy to live life without actually LIVING. I hate the reality of that.
Today at work I stumbled (while blog stalking?) the most tender blog I have EVER read. I sat there reading and crying and trying to answer the phones in between without sounding weird. (it was quite the challenge)
But it really made me think. about everything. 
Life is such a precious gift. & i never want to take it for granted. 
So go read it so you can take a step back and realize what is truly important to You. ♥
(ps scroll down to older posts to get the whole touching story)

1 comment:

Camilla said...

You're right, that is heartbreaking. What a perfect reminder.
I hope to see you this weekend! :)