Thursday, September 1, 2011

awkward and awesome.

okay so today was my last day of work at the pool.. for the whole summer. Crazy right? I mean it seems like just yesterday i moved home and started training and now, done until next year. But in honor of yet ANOTHER wonderful year at the pool, I thought i would share some awkward and awesome moments.

-The time  a grown man looked like a child under the kiddie slide. I blew my whistle and said "Hey bud, come out from under there please." I was shocked to see a man with a long beard look at me with this expression like "Huh? you talking to me??" shoot me now.

-When  a little boy came up to me with wide eyes. He pointed to my tube and said "excuse me miss lifeguard, do you have GUN in there??"

-During swimming lessons when i took a difficult little boy down the slide. Out of nowhere he looks back at me and says "Your legs are so Spikey!! (it gets super cold in the morning)

-One night after an insanely packed party FULL of little children, I was finally done for the night. As I'm walking back to the guard room all my coworkers are standing by the door. I  say just loud enough for them to hear "THAT WAS THE PARTY FROM HELL." uh guess everyone else heard too. they all turned and looked STRAIT at me. even my boss. woopsie (good thing he thought it was hilarious) :)

-Three times during the summer we are audited. This means someone comes in disguised as a patron and video tapes the lifeguards to make sure we are doing our job efficiently. Well they came towards the beginning of the summer. I had no idea they were here. Or that they video taped ME more than anyone else. & yes, they did catch me singing along intensely to the radio as I was watching my water. People still give me crap for it.

-The night the local juvenile correction facility came for a party, I was sitting at the top of the slide. It was towards the end of the party so there was just one boy waiting in line to go down. He stood up there leaning against the rails looking out of the city for a long time. Then he turned and said "Gosh i miss being free." Broke my heart.

1 comment:

Camilla said...

Oh, thanks for the laugh! A creepy guy lurking under the kid's slide...funny or terrifying?