Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Best Summer of My Life ♥

Can I just say that this Summer was one of the best EVER? I can't believe it's over. I hate even thinking about fall. :( But anyway this summer was definitly different than last. I did so many fun, unforgettable things. First off this was the first summer I could actually date and drive legally! haha It was so great not having to rely on people for rides. I seriously love driving. Anyway I spent most of my days at the pool. Rephrase that. I spent almost Everyday at the pool. And not laying out or swimming with my buds if that's what you think. haha No. I spent my days there blistering in the extremely hot sun, watching obnoxious little children go way past where they could touch, and yelling at annoying teens breaking all of the rules. Ok, so maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but it's definitly not the dream job Baywatch makes it look like. Some days I would start teaching swimming lessons at 8 in the morning and go home at 11 at night. Long hours eh? I think so. The days I didn't have to work (which were very rare) I would spend catching up on some sleep, eating snowies, taking naps, watching movies, playing with the fam, and occasionally hanging out with my friends. I went camping with the fam twice, went to granny and gramps house once, and spent an amzing week up at Girls Camp. But other than that it was WORK. So why do I call this post the "best summer of my life?" Well let me tell you a little bit.. I worked with some awesome people. ( I say some because some of them were beastly) But we seriously had a blast together. Especially the nights after we would close that we'd stay until midnight doing Insane things down the slide, or having wars against eachother. haha And even though all the girls acted like we hated it when the boys chucked us in the pool every night, deep down I think everyone liked it a bit. :) But i also loved when I just got to be home and be with the fam. Everyone came over and we had such a great time together. I also loved all of the little details of summer like the smell of sunscreen, tan skin, swimsuits, watching the beautiful sunsets, watermelon...etc. I truly can say I live for summer. It is the best time of the whole year. There is nothing like those care-free days and nights. I Love and will continue to Love summer for the rest of my life. It's over for now but will hopefully be back oh so soon. Here are some of my fav. pics:
*Where I spent my wonderful days


Annika said...

MADDY!!! love your blog! YAY! So I totally agree about Summer... best times ever. We've had some good times this summer and others. (especially our very late night chats last summer) I'm totally so excited to be your blogging buddy!

Camilla said...

I am SO excited that you have a blog! Now I can see what's going on the in the teen world. This summer really was an awesome one and I'm sure there will be many more for you! I love the pictures!