Wednesday, May 30, 2012

mem day

I love that there is a day set aside each year to honor the dead and those who have died in behalf of our country. I will always be grateful for the sacrifices men and women in the armed forces have made and continue to make in order to keep our country free and safe. We're so lucky to live in America.
Carson, me and Suz visiting Grandpa J's grave. He's been gone 24 years but we all have a special place in our hearts for him.

Gramps in his military attire. (He was released from the military long before he passed away, but willingly served as long as his country needed him.)
"All we have of freedom, all we use or know, this our fathers bought for us, long long ago."
-Rudyard Kipling-

Friday, May 25, 2012


And if you're feeling frightened about what comes next.. don't. Embrace the uncertainty.
Allow it to lead you places. Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart and  your mind as you create your own path towards happiness.
Don't waste time with regret. Spin wildly into your next action.
Enjoy your present--each moment as it comes- because you'll never get another one quite like it. And if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply take a breath and start over. Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart. Where your hope lives.
You'll find your way again.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

thursday thought

Had a dream I was queen.
I woke up- still queen. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Life lately snapshots

It has been summer vacation for me for about the last three weeks and honestly: I don't know how it could get any better. When I ask myself what has made it so great- it's hard to pin down a specific thing. I think it's a bunch of the small things that string together to make life really wonderful.
 --bon fires with friends, a brand new nephew, midnight bike rides, swimming till my body is like jello, lunch with my mama, running through the sprinklers with my crush{it's complicated} lolz getting snowies with my lil bro and sis, chattin' with my grams all afternoon, movie nights with my bff, shopping with my sistas, sunbathing at the lake, muscle car rides with my dad--
Stuff like that.

 I am one lucky girl and I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store.


Monday, May 7, 2012


I like instrumental music. There, I said it. No one would ever guess but truth is, ever since I heard the glory road score I knew that even though I am a lyric junkie- sometimes it's nice to just hear music. with no words. It's almost like instrumental music makes you use your imagination more than regular music- and i love that. Which brings me to my next point: My favorite instrumental song of all time.

For some reason I always picture this song being played at the future momentous occasions in my life. (mainly lovey dovey moments.. sorry that's gross.) ie: meeting my future husband, marrying the man of my dreams, holding my own child, traveling the world--stuff like that.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

my latest ideas

Lately I have some big ideas. Pretty rad ones actually. Some would say unreasonable-----butttttt just as I told my dad the other night "Haters gonna hate." ha (btw he just stared at me with that "where did you come from?" kind of look.)

Idea #1: Buy a motorcycle (preferably a small one) for me to cruise to work on in the summer! It's perfect because my car is literally parked 14 hours a day AND I don't have to go over 30 MPH to get to work. *also i can just picture my beachy hair flying behind me with the warm summer sun on my face. 
aww summer
this picture is seriously my fav

Idea #2: Convert people to love the song "Friends in Low Places" as much as I do.
srrrsly when I meet someone who shares the same passion as I do for that song, I'll KNOW it's meant to be.

Idea #3: I want to go to the local DI and buy as may high waisted jeans as possible. don't freak out yett.I'm going to cut them into vintage shorts for me to live in this summer. fancy eh?

Idea #4: Train for a Triathalon. I have always wanted to do it and I think this fall is the perfect time.

Luckily I have a good (muscular) Friend who has agreed to work out with me like crazy this summer. He's a little bit stronger and faster than me, but hopefully I can keep up.

Idea #5: Never reactivate my Facebook. I know this seems crazy but the past month has been so nice without it. I am literally DREADING getting back on. maybe i should take that as a sign?

Okay well that is where I will stop for today. but don't worry, my summer bucket list is soon to come!!
(& that's something to be excited about.)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a poem for the day

Ever since I read the Outsiders in 8th grade I have loved the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. I came across it a few days ago and I was surprised to see the different meaning the poem has to me now.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost
This poem reminds me to enjoy everything about my life. nothing lasts forever. The golden times in my life will eventually fade and I will  have to find a new definition for the word golden. The things I treasure today may be gone tomorrow- and that is why I need to make the most of everything. No moment lasts quite long enough and I think that is a hard lesson to learn.