Wednesday, January 18, 2012

good habits

Lately I've established some pretty good habits in my life. (not to brag) But I have noticed a BIG difference since I have became a little more serious about things I have meant to be serious about for awhile now.
Going to bed at a decent time. no more all nighters with our fav. neighbors. I feel so much better during the day and I know my body is grateful.
Exercising errrday. I actually have never been too shabby at this one. but it can seriously make my whole day no matter how bad i hurt afterward.
Talking to Someone new. sometimes during the semester i get into this habit where i sit in the same place next to the same people every day. but this semester i've really tried to talk to or sit by someone i wouldn't normally. I've met some pretty rad people.
Reading more specifically text books and scriptures. which have both surprised me with their interesting- ness.
Doing what I want ha i guess i've always been a little good at this. but lately if i  wanna do somethin', well, I do it. & I'm usually glad i did.
Laughing errrrrrrday.until I can feel my stomach muscles tightening. that's what i aim for.

The new year and semester have been treating me pretty.darn.well. I have nothing to complain about. Well except that it is soooooo cold outside. so cold. I get to class with snot frozen to my face and i feel dumb. but NBD as they say.  I just keep telling myself   "Someday. Someday I will have my degree and be making bank and by then I can live in the warmest city, right on the coast and I can sit on my porch in my swimsuit and watch the sun turn orange over the ocean and  it will ALL be worth it." I think.

1 comment:

Camilla said...

Aww, there you go making good habits again. I'm glad your new semester is going well! Hope to see you this weekend!