Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 6. A photo of something that makes you happy.

Things That Make me Happy:

1. one word :SUMMER.

2. This is going to sound extremely worldly/shallow but I'd be lying if I didn't say money makes me happy. It doesn't BUY happiness, but it can help make you even happier. (I believe.)
3. Driving. Just me, the radio, and my trusty Nissan. (I guess you could say i'm pretty high class ;)
4. ELEVATORS. Side note: I always take the stairs at my apt. Unless of course I'm with a special someone. (you know who you are ;)
5. Adventures. Preferably spontaneous ones.
6. TEXAS ROADHOUSE. All I gotta say is mmmm...

7. Modern Family. My lovely sista Shan got me HOOKED! Let's just say an episode is almost always playing in our apartment. I laugh so hard my stomach hurts after.
8. Motorcycle Rides (Kinda a given)
9. Running Shoes. love the smell and the feel.
10. Family and Friends.


Camilla said...

Now I'm happy too! I have been wanting to watch Modern Family but it's on right before bedtime...maybe I'mm put the kids to bed early and watch it tonight! :)

Annika said...

texas roadhouse....mmm! i really hope you take the elevator when you're with halliegirl... its not easy hauling her up three flights of stairs. :) guess what makes me happy. YOU! :)