Tuesday, January 7, 2014

saying goodbye to 2013 and one word.

2013 has been one heck of a year. I don't know why I get all sentimental when I have to say goodbye to a year but I do. It's weird.

it's safe to say 2013 will always be one of my very favorites. after all,  a LOT has happened.

From meeting the man of my dreams in January, to getting engaged in March.(talk about speedy) HA Spring break in Cali and a best friend trip to Florida. Motorcycle rides in the summer heat and late nights with my favorite guy.

Getting MARRIED in July and spending a perfect honeymoon on the beach. Learning how to live with a boy/ how to be a married girl . weekend trips and newlywed adventures. riding a scooter through  Mexico & spending the holidays right by Nate's side. there is nothing better.understanding what it means to feel whole.

Anyways as you may recall last year I had a "one word" for the year. (remember last years word?)
 I am a sucker for new years resolutions so i like to add a word in there just for fun. I have had a hard time coming up with my one word for the year but I think I finally have it.

beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action;

not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; 

not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward;

 I want to live boldly in every aspect of my life.

So Nate and I went and saw The secret life of Walter Mitty last weekend and OH MY GOSH!!!  I have not had much interest in movies lately but I can honestly say it was the BEST one I have seen in.. well.. like ever.

It was all about travel and adventure and finding yourself in this big world. How you can't waste away your life wishing you had done the things that you want to.


You have to find out who you are and be OKAY with it. embrace it. embrace your quirks and individuality. embrace others too. It seriously put that wander-lust feeling right back into my bones. Not that it ever left, but it got buried with the hectic-ness of life for a moment you know?

I'm ready to take on 2014 boldly. I really am.

best quote from the movie.