Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Welp It's a new year once again. A chance for new habits to be formed and old ones intensified. 2010 brought me
happiness,newexperiences,goals,gratitude,love,goodbyes,smiles,tears,adventures,excitement,delight,hyper-activity,peace,arrogance, anxiety,restlessness,boldness,loneliness,humility, & life lessons all along the way.I'm looking forward to 2011 with bright eyes.It's a new start & that is so great.

A Few Things I've Learned:
- Love everyone, Trust no one.
-Home is the happiest place on earth, no matter how independent you think you are.
- High school dances are extremely enjoyable.
- Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
-Parents are ALWAYS right. You family comes before EVERYONE.
-People don’t expect you to be perfect.
-You never miss people as much as you think you will.
- As long as your confident with what you’re wearing, you can pull it off.
- Going places by yourself is great!
-Just because everyone else is doing it, You don’t have to.
-Time always runs out.
- Skinny dipping will always be one of my favorite things.
-Nothing like the feeling while your on the back of a Harley.
-Smile at everyone, it makes them wonder what you’re up to.
-You can run from everyone except fromyourself.


sophie said...

My dearest Maddalyn.....this post truly touched me! ha no seriously! love you so much girl and you better believe that 2011 is going to be AWESOME!!! lots of new memories to make!!!!

Shannon said...

Oh Mad, this totally makes me tear up. You are one sweet girl, i feel like you have totally grown up this year:) You have dealt with lots of changes and you are still happy and smiling. I love you tons
PS I will cry when you have to leave to go back to school...

Camilla said...

What a crazy year it's been! I am so impressed with the lessons you've learned (some harder than others), but I also love how you are so happy and ready for whatever is next (it will be good, I know it). I will totally miss you when you have to go back too.
And I mean this in the BEST way possible...you are my own Ramona Quimby. :) I love you.

Annika said...

um, how did you get so wise? it's safe to say you've had quite the year. and it's only going to get better from here. i know it. :)

ps i will have a huge smile when you come back to school! :)