1. I can't believe I am actually bored enough to be doing this.
2. I don't plan on being as funny or clever as Annika while writing this. :) ( who could?)
3. In 7th grade I was a major tom-boy. I refused wearing anything but basketball shorts. (thank goodness I finally came around)
4. I love onions. Almost any spices to tell you the truth. I should have been born brown. :)
5. My goal for the future is to run a marathon.
6. I want to go to the University of California (Long Beach) after high school. My parents tell me not to count on it.
7. I love doing things everyone thinks I would never do.
8. When I am home too much it seems like I find brilliant ways to annoy people. (I don't try...the ideas just come to me.)
9. I have the strangest dreams and love telling people about them.
10. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a filter because I say things without thinking.
11. I hate when people spell things wrong or use bad grammar.
12. Shows that make me either laugh uncontrollably or cry histerically are my favorite.
13. When people nag me( like my mom is doing right now) I want to scream. Even though I can definitly be a nagger at times.
14. When I was little I would make sandwiches using 2 pieces of bread, ketchup, & thousand island dressing. (ewww)
15. My dream is to live by the beach someday. And I will.
16. I carry a water bottle with me almost everywhere I go..even sometimes to church. lol
17. I stress if I don't get my sleep on school nights. I try to be to bed as early as possible.
18. Running in the rain is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
19. My mom thinks I am a rebel because I like to listen to rap music. I'm not trying to be "bad," I just love it.
20. I am a major cheap skate when it comes to spending money. The only things I spend a lot of money on are jeans. (My favorite)
21. Irish music is oh so wonderful!
22. My favorite pair of shoes are my mocassins.
23. I want to marry a latino boy. :)
24. I am really attracted to boys who play sports and the guitar.
25. My parents call me "the bull in a china closet" because I spill/brake MANY of the things I touch.
26. I am very loud most of the time. It's a challenge to be quiet.
27. I sing real loud while I am driving. (Even if I am by myself) People probably think I am crazy.
28. Sometimes I just randomly start laughing and I CAN'T stop!!
29. I make lists all the time of things I need to accomplish in the day/week.
30. I am a little OCD when it comes to germs. I wash my hands so many times during the day it's no wonder they are dry!
31. I love to play the piano when no one is home so I can play as LOUD as i want.
32. I really like oldies music. Like Queen, Journey, the Beatles, Styx, Boston..and so on.
33. I wish it was summer all year round. (who doesn't?)
34. I love laying down in the middle of the street on summer nights.
35. When I am stressed I love to put my ipod in and just run.
36. I take naps any chance I get. During the summer they can be as long as 4 hours.
37. I am real good at lip syncing. lol Just ask anyone who has seen one of my videos. :]
38. I love watching sports in real life. Especially basketball and baseball.
39. I want to learn how to Surf & Dance. hehehe
40. One of my biggest fears is not living my life to the fullest.
41. My grandma Jones was my best friend growing up. I miss her.
42. When I was young all I ever wanted was a big brother. Now that I am older I realize how lucky I am to have my amazing sisters. :D
43. I am very impatient most of the time.
44. During the summer I look indian. And I love it. haha
45. I love meeting new people.
46. Sometimes I open up more to people I hardly know than to people I know real well. Its wierd.
47. I rarely watch TV but if I am I can almost gaurantee it will be one of Discovery Health.
48. I like to be the boss.
49. I am such a nerd and pack my own lunch to school everyday. It's not that I have to..I like to and.. I am a bit of a health freak..
50. I am a Daddy's Girl. :)
51. If I take a really hot shower, I get a never-ending bloody nose. (serves me right I guess)
52. I was the master at playing Barbies. For real.
53. I wish on 11:11 without a doubt.
54. I'm not a big fan of chocolate. Every now and again I will have some but I really don't enjoy it like most people.
55. Me and my sister Shannon used to fight like NONE other when I was young. We are too much alike. Now we put our alikeness to good use. :)
56.I like competetion. Don't know where that comes from? ;)
57. I love playing with little kids. They aren't boring like most people my age..
58. My first car was a 1980 Toyota Supra. Not exactly what I would have picked to drive around. lol But it got me where I needed to go and I am thankful for that.
58. Most animals scare me.
59. I'm getting bored doing this..
60. I hate Valentines Day. Its Gay. Even when you like someone. I mean I'm all about expressing love but people just let V-day get out of hand.
61. I get exited about the simplest things!!
62. When I was young and me and Annika shared a room, I used to tap on the wall until I fell asleep. lol She still is bitter about that..
63. I think I will quit now and go watch a movie!!