Wednesday, October 15, 2014

cow heads and babies

We spent a (small) fortune on this gem for our home. It is huge in real life and I love it. Nate thinks it's a little creepy. 

Sometimes I get weird and tell Nate we should probably have a baby soon. Then I look at his photos and think yep, We DEFINITELY need a baby soon. Then we stay out way late and I sleep as long as I want and I think, We should probably wait on the baby. BUT LOOK AT HIM!

This will be going up somewhere in our home :)

Perfect fall evening spent out in the country. Complete with a fire and all. 

We had a little couples get together this weekend and I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time. The kinda laughing where you are afraid you will pee a little. That kind. These people are prime dimes and I'm glad we have so much fun. (Also notice the 7 month pregnant lady, is she a trooper or what?)