I have so many weird feelings going on inside me.
- trying to finish my last "to do" items
- wrapping my brain around the fact that in 8 days I'll be on a plane to the other side of the world
- wondering what it will be like not seeing my family & friends for 2 1/2 months
- dreading goodbye for two years with a certain someone
- trying to pack only what i "need" and not what i want. (really tough for me)
- making sure my schedule will fit everything i want to do/everyone i want to see before i take off.
- budgeting my poor savings account
- shopping for mosquito nets, bug sprays, etc.
- visiting the doctor for my last couple shots. (seriously any more and my arm will fall right off.)
I just keep reminding myself "This is what you want. It will be worth it."
& I seriously hope it is.